
Geotechnical Engineering Services
Our advanced knowledge in providing geotechnical engineering services includes but not limited to field investigation.

Field Testing
A different types of field geotechnical testing ADEEMA offers for any project if it is required.

Geological Engineering services
ABM company provides expertise in the field of geology, exploration projects management, resource modelling, data management, drilling, land survey.

Aggregates exploration and testing
One of important activities in our Geotechnical Company and laboratory is to explore aggregates and borrow materials.

Materials’ laboratory testing
Generally, all companies specialized in geotechnical somewhat to achieve the integration and exclusiveness,

Quality tests on concrete (QA-QC)
Absolutely all we know how the concrete is important for structures. The strong and durable structures' skeletons depended on how successfully

Quality tests on asphalt (QA-QC)
The hot asphalt mix is very important for roads, bridges, pavements, parking areas and storage area as well.

Cavity probing
It is well known that sedimentary rocks like Limestone in Riyadh city is subjected to cavities.

Environmental Laboratory and studies
The services provided by ADEEMA

Topographical Survey
Our topographic survey division provide the following services